Services We Offer
What is a Public Adjuster?
A public adjuster is a professional expert in the insurance claims field who has the knowledge, training and licensure in the state to assess property damage, prepare insurance claims and represent property owners in claims matters with their carrier.
The benefit of hiring a public adjuster rather than relying on your insurance carrier’s adjuster to correctly determine your claim is that, in most cases, your claim will be paid quicker and your settlement will be considerably larger.
A public adjuster solely represents you, but your carrier’s adjuster represents the carrier.
Meet to Talk
The first step is for us to meet to talk with you, either virtually, on the phone or in person, so we can get to know each other and we can answer any questions you have to ease your mind.
Don’t worry. There is no pressure, just a genuine desire for you to understand the process, our abilities to help you get a proper settlement to repair your damages, and what you can expect. Communication is the key in any partnership, and we strive to keep those lines open throughout the claims process.
After this meeting, you decide whether you’d like to hire us to prepare your claim and represent you with your insurance company. If you do, then we will email you a form to sign and get to work for you immediately!
Identify the Full Extent of Damage
Our HAAG certified inspections will assess your property damage, either from photos, or an in-person visit, to identify the full extent of the damage your property sustained. They will use high tech tools like camera-equipped drones, Eagleview and Matterport 3-D imaging to document the damage for our claims report.
We will handle all meetings with your insurance company’s representatives, adjusters and engineers to discuss your damage and claim.
Prepare Your Claim
After we have dotted all the i’s and crossed all the t’s crossed to document our report, we will review your policy in relation to the damage we found. Our expert adjusters will then put a pencil to paper to thoroughly explain to your insurance carrier why every line item on our report is justified under your policy terms with them.
In times of disaster, most insurance companies often fast track claim payments to close a case and give their policyholders relief. Sometimes, their field adjusters are even authorized to make immediate payments in the field during those times.
Present Your Claim
With our report and your claim in hand, we find the field adjuster first and present the claim, if possible. If he isn’t available, or is not authorized to make payment in the field, we will formally present your claim to your carrier, promptly answer any questions they may have, and stay on their two-yard line to make sure they act in good faith on your claim and provide a decision and/or payment in the time specified by state laws.
It is our job to be your advocate and the expert fighter on your side to make sure things get done right, in accordance with your policy, and in a timely manner!
Collect Your Check
Once you receive an approval of payment from your insurance carrier, they will issue a check for payment of your claim. As per our representation agreement, we will only be paid then and will immediately issue you a check for the balance so you can complete the repairs on your property.
The timeframe of the process all depends on your carrier’s desire to get your claim closed, however, we will be your ardent advocate, and their desk adjuster’s daily phone call, until they get your claim paid.
Elite Claims is the Expert You Need on Your Side
Our dedicated team of professional insurance claim adjusters handle both commercial and residential claims. They have the knowledge, experience and training and tools to provide you with the best outcome possible on your recovery settlement, in the shortest amount of time.
We are ready to help you today!
What is a Claims Appraisal?
When an insurance claim is denied or underpaid, a claims appraisal is an independent second opinion. Our expert public adjusters will analyze the original claim, the carrier’s reasons in the denial letter and your policy, then reassess the claim and provide a report and/or additional documentation to support the claim.
Most often we provide this service for home or business owners who’ve received a denial or underpayment of claim from their insurance company, however, we also provide this service for legal counsel in arbitration or litigation cases.
Was Your Claim Denied or Underpaid?
If your claim was denied or underpaid by your insurance company, we can help! As public adjusters, we represent home and business owners in claim settlement matters. This includes claims that have been denied or underpaid.
Most times, the reason for the denial or underpayment is a lack of documentation to support the claim, or an unclear justification from the carrier’s adjuster. In times of disaster, insurance carriers are just as overwhelmed as their policyholders, so they will hire inexperienced new adjusters to help them get through their case load.
This is why you need an expert on your side, someone who is looking out for your best interest. Elite Claims Consultants is the expert you need on your side and we stand ready to help you get a fair payment from your carrier.
We Can File an Appeal with Your Carrier
Even if you’ve filed a preliminary claim with your carrier, which was denied or underpaid, if you are not in the litigation or arbitration process, we can represent you with your insurance company to appeal their determination and bring about a fair claims payment.
The process would be very similar to the one stated under our public adjusting of new claims tab, except this would in essence be an appeal where we provide additional information, documentation and justification to get your insurance company to reassess your claim and make a proper payment.
When Your Claim is Denied, You Need an Expert on Your Side
Elite Claims Consultants are seasoned experts in handling underpaid or denied claims. Our team will appraise your claim for correct valuation, provide additional support and documentation, present our findings to your insurance company and advocate for proper payment of your claim.
Arbitration and Litigation Consulting
If your claim is in arbitration or litigation, your counsel may contact us for expert advice and strategic planning to better present your case at your hearings. We will review and analyze your case and claim, answer any questions, and provide public adjusting insights and methodology to assist your legal team.
Home or Business Owner Claims Consulting
If you are a home or business owner who has received a denial or underpayment of claim from your insurance carrier and prefer to represent yourself in your claims matters with them, we can act as an expert consultant to review your claim, insurance policy and communications from your carrier. We can offer advice, prepare a claims appraisal, if hired to do so, but we will not be representing you or speaking with your carrier on your behalf. Consulting fees will be charged on a time and expense basis.
This is not the ideal choice, unless you are an expert in insurance claim adjusting, or insurance claim litigation. We highly encourage you to hire an expert to represent you to make sure your case is presented in the right way to affect a fair and just settlement of your claim.
Put an expert on your litigation team
Elite Claims Consultants can add valuable expert, professional insight and advice on public adjusting practice, protocol and ethics in relation to your insurance claims case for arbitration or litigation.
Put an Expert on Your Team
Elite Claims Consultants are well-versed experts in public adjusting and insurance claims cases. We offer our extensive knowledge, training and experience in court testimony, or depositions, to assist legal counsel in supporting their positions in proceedings.
Elite Claims has the Experts You Need
When you need an expert on your witness list, we have the best public adjusters in the business. Our team works in the field every day and can contribute valuable insight on your insurance claims case.
Roofing Contractors
Are you tired of waiting around for an insurance carrier’s adjuster to show up so you can proceed with repairing or replacing your customer’s roof? We can help streamline the adjusting process, and help your customer get a proper claims payment and a quicker claims settlement. Give us a call so we can discuss how we can help both you and your client get faster and better results.
General Contractors
Waiting is the hardest part, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Let us help you streamline the insurance claims process and get your client’s claim processed faster and with better results.
We are experts at overhead and other things most adjusters, more specifically insurance company adjusters, fail to include in their claims reports. Give us a call today to discuss how we can be partners to help your clients recover faster with better outcomes.
Public Adjusting Firms
Are you overwhelmed with cases? Have you hit a case that has stumped you? We have a full staff of trained, experienced adjusters who are waiting to help with you work through them. Just give us a call to talk about how we can work together to provide exceptional service to your clients.
Get Your Jobs Done Faster
We offer third-party estimating and public adjusting services to help contractors and other firms get their jobs done quicker. The quicker we get your customer paid, the faster you get paid.
Types of Insurance Claims We Handle
How Will Hiring Elite Claims Consultants Help You?

Understanding a little more about the staff or contract adjuster your insurance company sends to assess your damage will it explain the situation clearly. When insurers are backed up on claims, they offer incentives to their adjusters for the amount of claims they handle, or how quickly they settle the claims. Those adjusters are in a hurry to satisfy their employer. They work for your insurance company, not you. Without a public adjuster on your side, you are basically on your own.
Elite Claims Consultants will work for you, be your advocate and look out for your best interest. We will identify and document the full extent of your loss, present a claim to your insurance company and assertively advocate to obtain a settlement to cover your full loss. We will be the fighter in your corner, so you can sit back and relax while we do the heavy lifting with your insurer to get you the payment you deserve under your policy in a timely manner.
We Handle Your Claim Start to Finish
We Make Filing or Disputing an Insurance Claim Easy for You.
Our process is as easy as 1-2-3. No fuss, no mess, no hassle. Sit back, relax and let us do the heavy lifting for you with your insurance company. The results will astound you.