Participate in the Great Shakeout
Participate in the Great Shakeout jessica.geraci Tue, 10/13/2020 –
Bridget Bean,Senior Official Performing the Duties of Deputy
Administrator for Resilience at FEMA, shares why she believes
participating in the Great ShakeOut can help save lives.
When the ground shakes beneath your feet, fear and uncertainty
might overwhelm you. Knowing what to do can keep you calm and ready
in any situation. That is why, each year, FEMA participates in the
Great ShakeOut, a global earthquake preparedness drill. By
registering and participating in this annual drill, you can
practice how to be safer during earthquakes.
While the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has brought many
uncertainties and challenges, one thing’s for sure: ShakeOut is
still happening! This year, the drill will be held at 10:15 a.m. on
October 15. At this specific time in each time zone, millions of
people from all over the world will practice the earthquake safety
steps ‘Drop, Cover, and Hold On.’ With over 67 million people
across the globe registered for this event in 2019, it is incumbent
upon us as emergency managers to not only participate, but to
encourage our communities to join as well.
As always, this drill can be on your schedule when, where and
how you want, whether at home, work, school or perhaps through a
video conference while working or taking online classes. The
location for your ShakeOut activity may look different this year,
but there has always been flexibility in how and when you would
like to hold your drill. While some ShakeOut drills and other
activities may happen just like in past years, there are some new
considerations to keep in mind this year:
- Where will you be for your drill? Together at work, school or
home? Consider video conferencing or other virtual options. - How will you incorporate COVID-19 health and safety guidelines
into your activity? - Is it better to have everyone participate all at once, or
perhaps do so in staggered (or even repeated) dates and times?
This is also a great opportunity to take the next step and
update your emergency plans and supplies while securing your space
to prevent damage and injuries. Knowing what to do before a big
earthquake will determine how well you respond and recover.
Lately, it seems each day we are confronting new challenges
while natural disasters continue to occur across the country. The
coronavirus pandemic has changed our routines and how we live. At
the same time, a record-breaking wildfire season has caused
devastation out West, and the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season has
left terrible destruction along the Gulf Coast. During all of this,
seismic activity has not stopped, with significant U.S. earthquakes
occurring in
Idaho, and
North Carolina during the last few months and in
Puerto Rico earlier this year.
With all that is happening around us, it is clearer perhaps now
more than ever that our Nation must be ready for disasters on a
federal, community and family level. The Great ShakeOut can provide
some peace of mind by preparing us for what can come and reminding
us of what we can do when we work together.
To register and participate in the Great ShakeOut, visit the
website or
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