FEMA Expands Efforts to Distribute Vaccinations

This week FEMA increased support to states, tribes, territories and other partners in the effort to get more Americans vaccinated against COVID-19. We are determining where staff support, supplies and other resource gaps are — and then working to fill them.
Federal funding from FEMA is helping to accelerate state vaccination efforts and establish vaccine sites. These focused efforts are part of President Joseph R. Biden’s COVID-19 response plan.
As of today, we have obligated $1 billion to our partners across the country. This funding is for critical supplies and staffing that can help protect and save lives.
Items that are funded can include:
- Supplies and commodities needed to safely store and administer the vaccine.
- Transportation support and reasonable, necessary security for refrigerated trucks.
- Medical and support staff.
- Communication materials that keep the public informed.
- Training personnel on vaccine distribution and administration.
To help local governments manage this funding and their vaccine distribution efforts, we created the COVID-19 Vaccination Planning FAQ. As obligated funds grow, we will work with other federal partners to provide local governments with any support that is needed.
We will also work with federal agencies to increase vaccine supply through the use of Defense Production Act authorities. This act allows critical supplies to be produced by private sector companies, with the goal of increasing the amount of supplies available as quickly as possible.
Another major effort in vaccination distribution is increasing personnel on the ground. When states, territories and tribes request assistance, our Interagency Vaccination Task Force is deploying FEMA staff to vaccination sites. A thousand personnel from FEMA and the National Guard have already deployed, with a thousand reservists from the United States Coast Guard preparing for potential missions. To assist with response efforts, we can provide states and territories reimbursement for the use of the National Guard until Sept. 30.
The Interagency Vaccination Task Force is also developing data dashboards to track personnel movement and vaccine distribution.
These initiatives build on efforts and funds that we have already put into supporting the pandemic response. Prior to President Biden’s executive order to expand vaccination efforts, we obligated more than $57.5 billion towards COVID-19 support for our state, tribal and territorial partners.
While these combined efforts make an impact across the United States, you can also help make a difference by continuing to practice precautions like wearing a mask, social distancing, handwashing and taking other hygiene measures.
Contact your state health department for more information on its COVID-19 vaccination plan. Visit our Vaccine Support page to learn more about our efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19.
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