IBHS Disaster Dynamics Academy Presents
Commercial Roofs | Summer 2021
Where & When
An IBHS Online Disaster Dynamics Academy
Exact Dates to be Announced
Who should attend?
Member company staff in claims, product management, research, underwriting, and any others interested in commercial roof performance.

Registration Coming Soon
Thoughts from Past Attendees
“This information was very helpful and is of value to my role in the claims organization. Info regarding the inaccuracy of observer data is a key callout as it is often foundational in deploying claim associates. I would recommend [DDA] to all Directors in our Underwriting, Product and Claim organizations.”
DDA Attendee
“I am responsible for my company’s disaster response, so the information about your deployment and tracking was very helpful.”
DDA Attendee
“I focus on the pricing aspect of CAT perils, so learning more about the science behind the perils is extremely helpful.”
DDA Attendee
“We will integrate the information from this into risk assessment modeling.”
DDA Attendee
“I left with several ideas for improving post-loss analytic practices.”
DDA Attendee