Partnership Webinar: 2021 THWARTS / IBHS – Natural Hazards Seminar Series

Joint Sponsor:
American Association for Wind Engineering

Where & When

Thursday, April 29, 2021 from 11:00am – 12:30pm (Eastern)

You’re invited to join us for a technical roundtable discussion with an emphasis on the vulnerability of metal grain bins. We encourage you to forward this invite to all interested colleagues!

Technical Topics:

  • Wind Speeds
  • Damage Investigation
  • Design Implications


Dr. Murray Morrison (Moderator)
Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety

Dr. Richard Wood
University of Nebraska – Lincoln

Dr. Christine Wittich
University of Nebraska – Lincoln

Dr. Frank Lombardo
University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign

Dr. J. Arn Womble
Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety

Please see the following link to view the archive of prior presentations:

Development of a Mobile Weather Station for Wind and Rain Measurements
Dr. Brian Phillips
University of Florida
(March 2021)

mSWERF3 (a small bluff body to solve big wind loading problems)
Mr. Antonio Zaldivar de Alba
University of Illinois
(March 2021)

Observations of the terrain-related effects on the 2020 Cookeville, TN, tornado
Mr. Zachary Wienhoff
University of Illinois
(March 2021)

Evolution of a Multidisciplinary Program in Wind Hazards
Dr. Kishor C. Mehta, PE
National Wind Institute (Texas Tech University)
(February 2021)

Hazards Research Program Highlights
Dr. Kurt Gurley (University of Florida)
Dr. Delong Zuo (Texas Tech University)
Dr. Stephen Strader (Villanova University)
Dr. David Roueche (Auburn University)
Dr. Ioannis Zisis (Florida International University)
(January 2021)

A Lifetime of Damage Surveys 
Mr. Tim Marshall, P.E.
(November 2020)

The seminar series is sponsored by National Science Foundation through Grants 2006613 (CAREER-IBHS) & 1748687 (UI).

Read the original article